Thursday, September 16, 2010

4th Graders work makes OCEANA blog!

Oceana CEO Andrew Sharpless, a GFS graduate, recently wrote a letter to show his appreciation for the hard work and donation of last year's 4th grade EAC. Today you can find this story and a photograph of Giza (now a 5th grader)in the Oceana Beacon...

Check it out!

Congratulations to our hard working young activists!

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Summary of the 09'-'10 year of the 5th Gr. EAC

The Germantown Friends School Fifth Grade Environmental Action Club (E.A.C.), led by GFS science teacher Geoffrey Selling, is group of 5th graders committed to helping the environment, and to encouraging others to do the same. They meet every Monday after school from 2:45-4:00pm.


To start off the year, the E.A.C. decided to start the school year with a dried fruit/candy/nut sale/fundraiser. The student members made all sales. The kids went around to people they knew, and sold the product(s) to them. They made over $3800.

Choosing the Theme

Next, the E.A.C. needed to choose a project theme for the year. Through a survey, and a few discussions, the final decision was: composting.

What is composting

Composting is when you take food scraps, leaves, lawn clippings etc., and let them decompose (a fancy word for rot) into rich, fertile soil in a controlled way. Once done, composted soil quite good planting soil (I’ll explain more later). Depending on the type of food, and method of composting, it can from take 2 weeks to 6 months to compost a food scrap.

Why we compost

Here are a few reasons why you should compost:

- Composting reduces waste, and therefore landfill space.

- Reduces methane, a greenhouse gas emitted in the process of decomposition. Methane is more than 20 times more potent then CO2 (warms the Earth 20 times faster)

- Composing creates unimaginably fertile soil, great for your garden or flowerbed.

How to compost

Here’s some info on composting:









After the group had educated themselves about composting, it was time to educate others. So, they put on a play. After weeks of brainstorming, script writing, costume making, rehearsing, and program planning, the production was unveiled on April 20.

This play, which consisted of three skits (or sketches), two presentations (using PowerPoint), two songs, and many good lessons, was a fabulous display of dramatic excellence. These lessons could not have been told in such a hilarious way without the students. This play, all of its roots, ideas, props, rehearsals and performances, were accomplished by the hard work, time, and energy of the student members. BRAVO!

Earth Force Summit 2010

One thing that the E.A.C. does every year is attend the annual Earth Force Summit. Earth Force is a non-profit organization that supports environmental youth groups (such as the E.A.C.), and provide funding for them.

Each year, Earth Force holds a local summit (or meeting) at the Philadelphia Zoo. There, other groups like the E.A.C. from around Philadelphia and the vicinity showed their ideas to the other groups attending. There were ten groups in attendance. Each group would set up a booth, and talk to the other groups about their project. After about an hour of roaming around looking at other groups’ booths, there was a puppet show, a performance by GFS (one of the skits they did in their earlier play), and a raffle. After the summit was over, each group was allowed to look at the animals in the Zoo. To learn more about Earth Force, visit their website at:

Outdoor Activity

The Pond

Once the weather warmed up, there was much yard work to be done. One of the E.A.C’s jobs is to help maintain and beautify the school campus. First on the list was cleaning the pond. A group of 5-6 members emptied (more like bailed) out the water in the pond using buckets, took out the leaves, sticks, rocks, algae, and of course, composted them.

Then Geoffrey refilled the pond. They also rearranged the rocks around the pond, fixed the filter, and installed new pond plants using money from their earlier fundraiser. They celebrated this success with brownies. Yum.

Multiflora rose

Another victory was extracting the multiflora rose from the Lower School Woods. A group of 3 kids and 1 adult finally removed the root after 3 periods of hard digging. The multiflora rose is a hard to remove and extremely invasive species of rose.

To read more on the multiflora rose, go to:

The Berm and Vicinity

Another job to be completed, was to ready the berm (a raised area for planting) in the Lower School Woods for next year’s implants. A small group of 2 took a period and a half to weed the berm, and trim the existing plants. Also, another group of three readied another area for next year’s planting. They also planted three small shrubs near the edge of woods.

Over a few periods, 4-6 members improved the pathways in the woods by remulching them, adjusting the logs lining the paths, and trimming the branches occluding the path. The branches belonged to the nuisance plant that dominates the Lower School Woods, the Ohio Buckeye. For more information on the Ohio buckeye, click below.

Butterfly Garden

A few years back, the E.A.C. built a butterfly garden outside the Main Building, as one of the goals/responsibilities of the E.A.C. is to help beautify the campus. This garden is filled with native plants (plants the belong in this habitat). During the fall, many sticks and leaves had fallen into the garden, and those had to be raked out. A group of 5-7 did this. They also weeded the garden and tied the daffodil leaves; they get in the way otherwise. To finish, they cut the daffodil leaves, and added new plants. This fix-up was much needed.

Composting Bins

The main goal of the 2010 E.A.C was install new composting bins for the Lower School. The old bins were falling apart, old, rotten, and had served their purpose. It was time to replace them (in the opinion of some, that time had long past).

After looking in magazines, books, websites, and other places, the E.A.C. decided it was easier, and more economical to ask GFS Maintenance Dept. to build one for us. They built a "four-bin system" compost bin. This specific type of composting consists of four bins, one for leaves, one for recently added scraps, one for partially decomposed scraps, and one for finished compost. GFS needs a special bin for leaves, because every fall, if all the leaves on campus were to be put in a 40'x40'x12' room, they would fill it to the top. Of course, we can' t compost all of them, but we do as much as we can. The other three are used in a “three-bin” process. To find out more on the “three bin” process, visit:

The bins themselves are made of a type of composite made of old plastic bags, which is a very sustainable material. The bins also have a very cool “front-loader” design, which makes the contents easier to turn.

All and all, the ’09-’10 E.A.C. had a very productive year.

- Zack C.

‘09-’10 E.A.C. Member

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Marine Environmental Educator Visits Third Grade Science

GFS alumni David Hayward (pictured left), class of 1968, is a U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary volunteer. His mission is to educate citizens about ways to help improve the health of our waterways. Third grade students chose water as their environmental action project this year and invited Mr. Hayward to visit and share his experience.

Students were fully engaged as they learned the story of Inky the baby pygmy sperm whale who was beached due to a stomach full of plastic. Coast Guard volunteers, among many others, helped to rescue and save Inky from the health issues caused by human litter. Inky's luck changed for the better. What about the other wildlife affected by litter?

How can we make a difference? There are many ways to help. Let's start with something simple, like using reusable bags for shopping and carrying personal items.

Did you know that...
  • About 750 billion plastic bags are consumed worldwide each year? Less than 1% of those bags are recycled.
  • The rest of those bags end up in landfills or as litter in every ocean on our planet.
  • Plastic bags photodegrade (not biodegrade) into smaller toxic polymers which contaminate water and soil.
  • If you use a reusable cloth bag, you save 6 plastic bags per week on average. That's 24 bags per month. 288 bags per year. 22,176 in an average lifetime.
  • If just 1 person in 5 did this we would save 1,330,560,000,000 plastic bags.

Some good news...
  • China and Bangladesh have banned plastic bags.
  • Ireland now charges consumers for plastic bags.
  • San Francisco has banned plastic bags. Oakland and Boston are considering bans.
and by the way...
  • Plastic bags are made from oil
  • Reducing plastic bags decreases our dependence on foreign oil
  • China will save 37 million barrels of oil each year because of their ban on plastic bags!
There are so many ways our community can make a difference. Stop using plastic water bottles for the same reasons listed above. GFS hasn't missed them since we stopped buying them 2 years ago!

Thank you to Mr. Hayward for volunteering to make a difference by educating people and empowering them to feel like they CAN make a difference. Every little effort helps.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

A Special Thank You to our Parent Volunteers!

We would not have been as successful with our program without the help of the following EAC parents who donated their time:

Indre Page
Barbara Overholser
Emily Daeschler
Madhuri Malkani
Sue Smith
Amina Loder
Tema Esberg
Judy McCoubrey
Jeanette Pailas

Thank you... thank you... thank you!!!

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

By Eamon M

First we were wondering what our project was going to be for this year's EAC. Matthew and I came up with an idea. Karen was talking about a machine that opened the windows in the Sharpless building green house based on the temperature so the plants don’t dry. Sadly it broke. Matthew and I came up with an idea (the same idea as Cassie and Maya) to raise money to fix the machine. Then the oil spill happened, so Karen asked if we wanted to raise money to help clean up the oil spill. We raised $277.08 with a lemonade stand and donations.
In the 4th grade EAC we have done a lot, we have picked up litter, we have done a lemonade sale raising $277.08 in donations and selling lemonade. One of are main ideas are to convince people to compost, pick up litter and much more things.

Lily Z.
This is the last EAC of the year!! I wish we could have more time. The weeks went by so fast. From are lemonade stand we raised $277.08. we all put a lot of effort in to this. I think EAC is a great idea to get involved and it was fun. When I heard this was the last time I would be going to 4th grade EAC I was SO UPSET
-Caroline K
In our 4th grade environmental action club we raised $277.08 for the Gulf of Mexico to help clean the oil out and save the animals that were affected during the leak. We had a lemonade committee which was made up of five or six students who ran the committee. Posters were made and we told our family and friends. Our people that helped us were supporting. We would like to thank all the parents that helped us during our time and the people that bought our lemonade we couldn't have done it with out them. We all can make a difference in the world. I think we all are looking forward to 5th grade environmental action club.

This is the last E.A.C. meeting,so sad! we have had so much fun! Who knew helping the environment could be exciting! and I'm almost sure that most of us are going to 5th grade E.A.C!

We made 277.8 dollars and are proud of it! The money will be going to the oil spill off the gulf
of Mexico. We have also been making a petition against off shore drilling, and most of our parents have signed.
So...Good bye

-4th grade E.A.C.

the final fourth grade EAC meeting, and a thank you

Now the environmental action club is over, and we have accomplished our goal! So happy but so sad.
We have made $277.08 from the lemonade stand that we organized, and worked so hard to make lemonade, and advertise the cause, which was going to the oil spill that is killing animals and hurting the earth. But we are also going away to the peak of lower school, fifth grade, or going to another school, or moving to a place like Venice. Well, we might just stay here, and be in the fifth grade EAC. But we might not. Anyway, we are just happy that we have helped mother nature, helped the environment, helped the world.

So thanks all you people out there for buying our lemonade, and signing our petition too!!!!!! And say goodbye to the fourth grade EAC!!!!!!!!!!!!!

-The Fourth Grade EAC

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Giza shows our community the impact of the Deepwater Horizon Disaster...and the ways we can help.You can help too!
Write to:

President Barack Obama
Senator Arlen Specter
Senator Robert Casey
Rep. Bob Brady
Rep. Allyson Schwartz
or your local representative
and tell them...

I oppose offshore drilling because it poses environmental threats through oil spills, and prefer energy solutions that do not emit carbon gases. It kills our fish, mammals and shellfish in our oceans. It adds pollution to our water ways and in our skies. Please consider other means that would be safer for our environment.

EAC will even mail your letter for you!
Planting spring flowers...thank you Cara Patchell!

Will plants geranium ...

Cara and Aaron plant pansies...

Caroline and Lily enjoy the colorful blooms

Jessie and Zami enjoy digging into the earth!

The lemonade crew

did we expect this many customers?

Dick Wade signs a letter to our leaders ... help us find alternative energy sources so we can reduce offshore drilling! You can sign too...find an EAC member for more information.

happy workers

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Deepwater Horizon Disaster: Students are fundraising for rescue efforts in Gulf of Mexico!

Join 4th grade EAC after school today for a lemonade sale.

All proceeds to support water clean up and wildlife rescue in the damaged area.

Tuesday in front of the main building - 3:15-4:15 pm

Friday, April 9, 2010

4th grade EAC 2008/2009
(many of these hard working students are currently in 5th grade EAC)
This is the 4th EAC meeting. There are 16 children involved. We are working on the herb beds and planting. Will is hoeing and turning soil to be ready for the herbs and Aaron is weeding. While a few shy hyacinths poke their heads out of the soil, sage is most prominent as its stalks are soon to have unpredictable flowers.
-Cassie, grade 4
We are planting herbs in the herb beds and loosening the soil so the herbs will grow better. You see, the herb gardens were filled with herbs, and were cared for, but then weeds took over them and the soil hardened. So we are making the herb beds beautiful and good for the environment again. The cafeteria also wants to use our herbs for omlette day, which everyone likes. We are growing mint, thyme, sage, mini-basil and will plant rosemary soon. Some flowers are growing in the herb gardens and they look like a diamond growing in gravel! They make the herb beds look nice because they are unique!
Soon plants will be towering over the sides, like an overflowing bucket of water, and our goal will be fulfilled.
-Maya, grade 4

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Why GFS 4th graders want to take Environmental Action...

I feel like it is my job to help heal the earth. It is important to me that I do something rather than talking about it.

First I love nature. Also the EAC seems like a really cool group to be in. The environment is very important and not enough people care about it and I would love to change that. Also I love to help people or things in need of help.

I like to work with nature and plants around me, and I want to help the environment.

I have not done EAC before and I would like to help the earth.

I will help save the environment, which will help save the animals. I love animals.

I love working in the dirt, and planting things. I also am really concerned about the environment, so this would be cool for me.

I really want to make a difference for the earth, and work on projects that help the environment. Plus I love getting dirty. I care about the earth because I want to save animals that are going extinct, and make the earth healthy for trees so we can breath better.

I want to keep our campus clean, it sounds really fun and I love doing things that involve planting.

I love to help the environment and E.A.C. is a place I can! And I saw the first part of E.A.C. last year while I was sharpening pencils for you and it looked like something that I would want to do!

Its like the worlds going into a whirlpool of trash and muck every day I see ads about GLOBAL Warming, dumps filled up and landfills stretching across the world, I WANT TO HELP!

It looks really fun. I want to help the Environment.

I want to make the world a better place by planting trees and plants.

I want to help the environment, I like to get dirty and I love planting and working with the earth.

I would like to join the E.A.C. because I really want to learn how to take better care of the environment so I can help the environment more, outside of school.

The environment is important and I want to help protect it. There is only one world.

I would like to join E.A.C. because I would like the world to be clean.

I want to help green the earth with earthly substances like food waste. I think people should not waste the earth’s resources, like water. I want to use resources that have no end. I can’t wait to start.